на моя сървар всичко работи идеално !!! но като го кача в host.bg ...
ето тази част от кода я няма като отворя страницата
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// Include the news class (needed to display news)
include "Classes/news.class.php";
$Template = (isset($_GET['Template']) ? $_GET['Template'] : 'Default');
// This example includes news display with readmore functions
$Dir = NULL;
function GetTemplateS($whattemp,$Template,$abpath)
// Start Sub Function
$thetemp = "";
// Check if the template exists
// Grab the template specified
if (!is_dir($abpath . "Templates/" . $Template))
//starting directory
$startDir = $abpath . "Templates";
//open directory
// Silently to error Trap - TSL
if ($openDir = @opendir($startDir))
while($path = readdir($openDir))
//gets the base name of file i.e instead of /home/canivour/html/index.html its index.html
$file = basename($path);
//makes sure we dont we read the . and .. direcotry (current directory and parent directory)
if($file!="." && $file!="..")
//if its not a directory print out the stats (can be changed for your needs)
$fullDir = $startDir."/".$file; //full directory path of file
$statCheck = stat($fullDir); //keeps info on file
$Dir = $file;
// End search for new template set
echo "<Br><font color=red><b>Error,</b> Could Not Find: \"<i>Templates/" . $Template . "/" . $whattemp . "\"</i>.<br>";
$Template = $Dir;
echo "Using: \"<i>Templates/" . $Template . "/" . $whattemp . "\"</i> Instead.</font><br>";
$file = @fopen($abpath . "Templates/" . $Template . "/" . $whattemp, "r")
or die("<Br><font color=red><b>Error,</b> Failed to Open: \"<i>Templates/" . $Template . "/" . $whattemp . "\"</i>.<br>");
$thetemp .= @fread($file, 200000);
// Send back the template
return $thetemp;
// End Sub Function
$abpath = dirname(__file__) . "/";
// Do Header
echo GetTemplateS("Header.tpl",$Template,$abpath);
// End Header
include "Config/mysql.php";
$dbl = @mysql_connect($hn, $un, $pw);
mysql_select_db($db); $chars="SET CHARACTER SET cp1251";mysql_query($chars);
$Action = (isset($_GET['Action']) ? $_GET['Action'] : 'Default'); // Check Action
// Pagnition
$Offset = (isset($_GET['Offset']) ? $_GET['Offset'] : 0); // This is used so the current article offset can be carried accross for pagnition/
// Pagnition settings
$pag=1; // set to 0 for no pagination (1 for pagination)
$Prev = "<<< Previous"; // Same as below
$Next = "Next >>>"; // This is the text that will be used for the Next word
$limit=6; // Set this to the number of Items to show (paginated or not)
// ////////// In the line below, category must appear as number. I did not find other way.
$sqlline = "SELECT * FROM " . $tprefix . "news WHERE cat='Уеб сайт' or cat = 'Шаблон'"; // the mysql query (it will need to be editing if you want to show categories)
// //////////
$numresults=mysql_query($sqlline) or die(mysql_error());
if ($numrows==0){$pag=0;}
// End pagnition Settings
if ($Action == "Full")
// Read More Display
$knews = new knews2_getnews;
$knews->SetLimit(1); // Post Limit (3 items. Remove this line to use the amount set in the Admin CP
$knews->SetMode('News'); // News/Headlines
$knews->SetType('Item'); // Item/Category/Default
//$knews->SetTemp('Default'); // What Template set to use. LEave out to use default
$knews->GetWhat($_GET['NewsID']); // What to get (id/cat keyword etc)
$knews->ShowNews(); // Show Actual News
$knews->Finish(); // Finish news display
// End Read More
// Standard News Display
$knews = new knews2_getnews;
$knews->SetMode($hedlines); // News/Headlines
$knews->SetType('Category'); // Item/Category/Default
$knews->SetLimit($limit); // This will overide the Admin CP setting
if ($pag == 1) {
$knews->SetStart($Offset); // Setting first item of every page
} else {
$knews->SetNoStart(); // Setting item to last one
$knews->SetTemp('Default'); // What Template set to use. Leave out to use default
$knews->GetWhat('business,immovableproperty,production,lightindustry,services,tourism,hotels,machines,health,society,computers,medii,unbusiness,unimmovableproperty,unproduction,unlightindustry,untourism,unhotels,unhealth,unsociety,uncomputers,unmedii,tempsites,tempprint,tempanimation'); // What to get (id/cat keyword etc) you can specifiy multiple categories by seperating thier keywords by commas
$knews->ShowNews(); // Show Actual News
// The lines below will create the pages for pagnition.
// This will make the numbers appear above the news, just move it below the news or whereever you would like it to be displayed
if ($pag==1) {
if ($numrows%$limit) {
if ($Offset>1) {
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Offset=$prevoffset\">$Prev</a> \n";
print "$Prev \n";
}?> | <?PHP
if ($numrows>($Offset+$limit)) {
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Offset=$nextoffset\">$Next</a> \n";
print "$Next \n";
for ($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) {
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Offset=$newoffset\">$i</a> \n";
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?hedlines=Headlines\">Карта</a> \n";
// end
$knews->Finish(); // Finish news display
// End Standard News Play
ето тази част от кода я няма като отворя страницата
if ($pag==1) {
if ($numrows%$limit) {
if ($Offset>1) {
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Offset=$prevoffset\">$Prev</a> \n";
print "$Prev \n";
}?> | <?PHP
if ($numrows>($Offset+$limit)) {
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Offset=$nextoffset\">$Next</a> \n";
print "$Next \n";
for ($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) {
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Offset=$newoffset\">$i</a> \n";
print "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?hedlines=Headlines\">Карта</a> \n";
// end
$knews->Finish(); // Finish news display
// End Standard News Play