Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Бележка: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
ON ^*:NOTICE:*:?: {
set %idtext This nickname is owned by someone else {
if ($nick == NS) && (%idtext isin $1-) { /dialog -m identify identify }
dialog identify {
title "..:: Identify By Smirn0ff ::.."
size -1 -1 100 40
option dbu
text "Въведете си паролата",1 , 20 10 60 10
edit "",2, 20 20 40 10, pass, center
button "OK",3, 60 20 30 10, ok
on *:dialog:identify:*:*:{
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 3) { /.msg ns id $did(identify,2) }
За това някаква идея да ти хрумва ?мирка ми каза:[17:55:31] -Welcome- psyBNC2.3.2-7
[17:55:31] --psyBNC- Your IRC Client did not support a password. Please type /QUOTE PASS yourpassword to connect.
Pr0oF каза:Бомба !
А още нещо почти съм сигурен че си ползвал БНЦ и знаеш още в началото като си цъкнеш мирка и ти иска парола, т.е.
За това някаква идея да ти хрумва ?мирка ми каза:[17:55:31] -Welcome- psyBNC2.3.2-7
[17:55:31] --psyBNC- Your IRC Client did not support a password. Please type /QUOTE PASS yourpassword to connect.
Благодяря много за горния скрипт иначе![]()
; is just a couple of clicks away, and of course sBNC will reconnect you to the IRC server if you get disconnected, instead of leaving mIRC at the "Welcome to BNC.." screen.
; loading stuff
on *:load:{
if ($version < 5.9) { linesep -s | echo 2 -s *** Cannot load sBNC Manager v2.1. You must be using mIRC 5.9 or higher. | linesep -s | .timer 1 0 .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " }
else {
if ($script(sbnc20.mrc)) {
var %num = 1
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,bouncers,%num)) { sbnc.ini bouncers $ifmatch $gettok($sbnc.ini(bouncers,$ifmatch),1-2,32) $encode($encode($gettok($sbnc.ini(bouncers,$ifmatch),3,32),m)) - $gettok($sbnc.ini(bouncers,$ifmatch),4,32) | inc %num }
%num = 1
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,servers,%num)) { sbnc.ini servers $ifmatch $replace($sbnc.ini(servers,$ifmatch),$chr(32),:) | inc %num }
.unload -rs $script(sbnc20.mrc)
linesep -s | echo 2 -s *** sBNC Manager v2.1 loaded. Type /sbnc to run. | linesep -s
on *:start:{ unset %sbnc.* | if ($sbnc.ini(settings,startup)) sbnc }
on *:exit:unset %sbnc.*
alias sbnc.unload { unset %sbnc.* | .remove sbnc.ini | unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " }
menu menubar,status {
sBNC Manager v2.1:sbnc
; login code
on *:snotice:*:{
if (!%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ) return
if (Welcome to BNC* iswm $1-) {
if ($gettok(%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,2,32) != -) .quote ident $ifmatch
if ($gettok(%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,3,32)) .quote vip $ifmatch
.quote conn $replace($gettok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,1,32),:,32) $iif($gettok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,2-,32),$decode($decode($ifmatch),m))
elseif (Failed Pass!! = $1-) disconnect
elseif (Failed Connection = $1-) .quote conn $replace(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,:,$chr(32))
on *:notice:*:?:{
if ($nick != ezbounce) return
if ($server != $gettok(%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,1,32)) return
if (Use /quote CONN <server>* iswm $1-) {
if ($gettok(%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,2,32) != -) .quote ident $ifmatch
if ($gettok(%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,3,32)) .quote interface $ifmatch
.quote conn $gettok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,1,32) $iif($gettok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,2-,32),$decode($decode($ifmatch),m))
elseif (Password incorrect. = $1-) disconnect
elseif (Connection attempt to * failed:* iswm $1-) disconnect
on *:close:*:if ($cid) { if ($target = Status Window) && (%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ) unset %sbnc.* [ $+ [ $cid ] ] }
; main dialog stuff
dialog sbnc {
title "sBNC Manager v2.1"
size -1 -1 385 278
icon 400,5 5 375 55,sbnc-logo.bmp
box "Bouncer Presets",100,5 65 186 79
list 1,10 80 105 70,sort
button "New",202,119 81 67 19
button "Edit",203,119 100 67 19,disable
button "Delete",204,119 119 67 19,disable
box "Vhosts For Selected Bouncer",101,5 145 186 102
combo 2,12 162 173 100,drop edit sort
button "Get Vhost List",205,12 188 85 24,disable
button "Set Default Host",206,100 188 85 24,disable
button "Add To List",207,12 217 85 24,disable
button "Del From List",208,100 217 85 24,disable
box "IRC Server Presets",102,195 65 186 182
list 3,200 80 105 70,sort
button "Add",209,308 81 67 19,disable
button "Update",210,308 100 67 19,disable
button "Delete",211,308 119 67 19,disable
text "Server Host:",103,200 146 65 15,right
text "Server Port:",104,200 166 65 15,right
text "Server Pass:",105,200 186 65 15,right
text "Nickname:",106,200 206 65 15,right
edit "",4,265 142 110 22,autohs
edit "",5,265 162 110 22,autohs
edit "",6,265 182 110 22,autohs pass
edit "",7,265 202 110 22,autohs
check "Open In New Server Window",8,208 223 160 22
check "Open sBNC on mIRC startup",300,5 252 155 22
button "Close",201,195 252 90 22,cancel
button "Connect",200,290 252 90 22,ok disable default
on *:dialog:sbnc:init:0:{
if ($sbnc.ini(settings,startup)) did -c sbnc 300
if ($version < 6) did -b sbnc 8
did -c sbnc 1 1
if ($did(1).seltext) sbnc.sclick.1
did -f sbnc 201
.remove sbnc-logo.bmp
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:1:sbnc.sclick.1
alias -l sbnc.sclick.1 {
did -e sbnc 203,204,205
did -b sbnc 206,207,208
did -r sbnc 2
var %sbnc.num 1
var %sbnc.n $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext) $+ -vhosts
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num)) { did -a sbnc 2 $sbnc.ini(%sbnc.n,$ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num)) | inc %sbnc.num }
if ($numtok($sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext)),32) = 5) { did -o sbnc 2 0 $gettok($sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext)),5,32) | did -e sbnc 208 }
on *:dialog:sbnc:edit:2:{ if ($did(208).enabled) did -b sbnc 208 | if ($did(206).enabled) did -b sbnc 206 | if ($did(2)) { if (!$did(207).enabled) did -e sbnc 207 } | elseif ($did(207).enabled) did -b sbnc 207 }
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:2:{ if ($did(207).enabled) did -b sbnc 207 | if ($did(2)) { if (!$did(208).enabled) did -e sbnc 208 | if (!$did(206).enabled) did -e sbnc 206 } }
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:3:{
did -r sbnc 4,5,6,7
did -e sbnc 209,210,211
var %sbnc.server = $sbnc.ini(servers,$sbnc.tounderscore($did(sbnc,3).seltext))
did -a sbnc 4 $gettok(%sbnc.server,1,58)
did -a sbnc 5 $gettok(%sbnc.server,2,58)
did -a sbnc 6 $decode($decode($gettok(%sbnc.server,3,58)),m)
did -a sbnc 7 $gettok(%sbnc.server,4,58)
on *:dialog:sbnc:edit:4:{
if ($did(4)) { sbnc.checkok | if (!$did(209).enabled) did -e sbnc 209 | if (($did(3).seltext) && (!$did(210).enabled)) did -e sbnc 210 }
else { did -b sbnc 200 | did -b sbnc 209,210 }
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:200:{
if ($did(8).state = 1) {
server -n
scid $activecid
if ($server) disconnect
if (($did(7)) && ($me != $did(7))) nick $did(7)
var %bouncer = $gettok($sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext)),1-4,32)
var %bouncer1 = $gettok(%bouncer,1-2,32) $decode($decode($gettok(%bouncer,3,32)),m) $gettok(%bouncer,4,32)
%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $gettok(%bouncer,1,32) $gettok(%bouncer,4,32) $did(2)
%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $+($did(4),:,$iif($did(5),$did(5),6667)) $encode($encode($did(6),m))
server %bouncer1
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:202:.timer 1 0 sbnc.add.bouncer
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:203:.timer 1 0 sbnc.add.bouncer $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext)
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:204:sbnc.del.bouncer $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext)
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:205:.timer 1 0 sbnc.vhost
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:206:sbnc.ini bouncers $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext) $gettok($sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext)),1-4,32) $did(2)
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:207:{
if ($didwm(sbnc,2,$did(2))) { did -b sbnc 207 | did -f sbnc 2 | return }
var %sbnc.n = $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext) $+ -vhosts
remini sbnc.ini %sbnc.n
var %sbnc.num = 1
while ($did(2,%sbnc.num)) { sbnc.ini %sbnc.n %sbnc.num $did(2,%sbnc.num) | inc %sbnc.num }
sbnc.ini %sbnc.n %sbnc.num $did(2)
did -r sbnc 2
%sbnc.num = 1
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num)) { did -a sbnc 2 $readini sbnc.ini %sbnc.n $ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num) | inc %sbnc.num }
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:208:{
if (!$didwm(sbnc,2,$did(2))) { did -b sbnc 208 | did -f sbnc 2 | return }
var %sbnc.n = $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1).seltext) $+ -vhosts
remini sbnc.ini %sbnc.n
var %sbnc.num = 1
while ($did(2,%sbnc.num)) { if ($did(2,%sbnc.num) != $did(2)) sbnc.ini %sbnc.n %sbnc.num $did(2,%sbnc.num) | inc %sbnc.num }
did -r sbnc 2
%sbnc.num = 1
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num)) { did -a sbnc 2 $sbnc.ini(%sbnc.n,$ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num)) | inc %sbnc.num }
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:209:if ($did(4)) .timer 1 0 sbnc.add.server
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:210:{ var %name = $did(3).seltext | remini sbnc.ini servers $sbnc.tounderscore(%name) | sbnc.add.server %name }
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:211:sbnc.del.server $sbnc.tounderscore($did(3).seltext)
on *:dialog:sbnc:sclick:300:sbnc.ini settings startup $did(300).state
on *:dialog:sbnc:dclick:400:{ if ($lock(run)) url -n | else run }
; bouncer edit dialog stuff
dialog sbnc.bouncer {
title "sBNC - Add/Edit Info"
size -1 -1 172 135
text "Preset Name:",100,5 10 70 16,right
text "Bouncer Host:",101,5 30 70 16,right
text "Bouncer Port:",102,5 50 70 16,right
text "Bouncer Pass:",103,5 70 70 16,right
text "Ident Name:",104,5 90 70 16,right
edit "",1,77 5 90 22,autohs
edit "",2,77 25 90 22,autohs
edit "",3,77 45 90 22,autohs
edit "",4,77 65 90 22,autohs pass
edit "",5,77 85 90 22,autohs
button "Cancel",201,5 110 77 22,cancel
button "OK",200,89 110 77 22,ok default
on *:dialog:sbnc.bouncer:init:0:{
if (!%sbnc.edit) return
var %sbnc.edittext = $sbnc.ini(bouncers,%sbnc.edit)
did -a sbnc.bouncer 1 $sbnc.tospace(%sbnc.edit)
did -a sbnc.bouncer 2 $gettok(%sbnc.edittext,1,32)
did -a sbnc.bouncer 3 $gettok(%sbnc.edittext,2,32)
did -a sbnc.bouncer 4 $decode($decode($gettok(%sbnc.edittext,3,32)),m)
if ($gettok(%sbnc.edittext,4,32) != -) did -a sbnc.bouncer 5 $gettok(%sbnc.edittext,4,32)
on *:dialog:sbnc.bouncer:sclick:201:unset %sbnc.edit
on *:dialog:sbnc.bouncer:sclick:200:{
if (!$did(1)) || (!$did(2)) || (!$did(3)) { sbnc.message You must fill in at least Preset Name, Server Host and Server Port!! | halt }
if (%sbnc.edit) {
var %sbnc.n = $sbnc.ini(bouncers,%sbnc.edit)
remini sbnc.ini bouncers %sbnc.edit
var %sbnc.old = %sbnc.edit $+ -vhosts
var = $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1)) $+ -vhosts
if ($sbnc.ini(%sbnc.old,1)) && (%sbnc.edit != $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1))) {
var %sbnc.num = 1
while ($sbnc.ini(%sbnc.old,%sbnc.num)) {
sbnc.ini %sbnc.num $sbnc.ini(%sbnc.old,%sbnc.num)
inc %sbnc.num
remini sbnc.ini %sbnc.old
unset %sbnc.edit
sbnc.ini bouncers $sbnc.tounderscore($did(1)) $did(2) $did(3) $encode($encode($did(4),m)) $iif($did(5),$did(5),-) $gettok(%sbnc.n,5,32)
; custom aliases and identifiers
alias sbnc.checkok { if ($did(sbnc,1).seltext) && ($did(sbnc,4)) did -e sbnc 200 }
alias sbnc.add.bouncer { if ($1) %sbnc.edit = $1 | dialog -ma sbnc.bouncer sbnc.bouncer }
alias sbnc.del.bouncer { if ($?!="Are you sure you want to delete this preset?") { remini sbnc.ini bouncers $1 | sbnc.refresh.bouncers } }
alias sbnc.add.server {
if (!$1) var %name = $$?="Enter a preset name:"
else var %name = $1-
sbnc.ini servers $sbnc.tounderscore(%name) $+($did(sbnc,4),:,$iif($did(sbnc,5),$did(sbnc,5),6667),:,$iif($did(sbnc,6),$encode($encode($did(sbnc,6),m)),$chr(32)),:,$did(sbnc,7))
sbnc.refresh.servers nodel
alias sbnc.del.server { if ($?!="Are you sure you want to delete this preset?") { remini sbnc.ini servers $1 | sbnc.refresh.servers } }
alias sbnc.refresh.bouncers {
dialog -v sbnc
did -r sbnc 1,2
did -b sbnc 203,204,205,206,207,208,200
var %sbnc.num 1
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,bouncers,%sbnc.num)) { did -a sbnc 1 $sbnc.tospace($ini(sbnc.ini,bouncers,%sbnc.num)) | inc %sbnc.num }
alias sbnc.refresh.servers {
dialog -v sbnc
if (!$1) { did -r sbnc 4,5,6,7 | did -b sbnc 209 }
did -r sbnc 3
did -b sbnc 210,211
if (!$did(sbnc,4)) did -b sbnc 200
var %sbnc.num 1
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,servers,%sbnc.num)) { did -a sbnc 3 $sbnc.tospace($ini(sbnc.ini,servers,%sbnc.num)) | inc %sbnc.num }
alias sbnc.tounderscore { return $replace($1-,$chr(32),_) }
alias sbnc.tospace { return $replace($1-,_,$chr(32)) }
alias sbnc.ini {
if ($isid) return $readini(sbnc.ini,$1,$2)
else writeini sbnc.ini $1-
alias sbnc.vars { return $gettok(%sbnc.vars,$1,32) }
; main sbnc alias to load dialog or run command line parameters
alias sbnc {
if (!$1) {
if ($dialog(sbnc)) { dialog -v sbnc | return }
var %sbnc.rand.1 live the dream!
var %sbnc.rand.2 making your mother proud!
var %sbnc.rand.3 for even stubborn stains!
var %sbnc.rand.4 soft, strong and very long!
var %sbnc.rand.5 thundercats, ho!
var %sbnc.rand.6 taste the rainbow!
var %sbnc.rand.7 always remember the alamo!
var %sbnc.rand.8 where its always happy hour!
var %sbnc.rand.9 have a nice day!
var %sbnc.rand.10 home of sarcastic slogans!
var %sbnc.text - %sbnc.rand. [ $+ [ $rand(1,10) ] ]
window -phf @sbnc.logo -1 -1 375 55
drawfill @sbnc.logo 1 1 0 0
drawtext -r @sbnc.logo 39423 fixedsys 22 3 0 sBNC Manager v2.1
drawtext -r @sbnc.logo 13421772 fixedsys 16 $calc(370 - ($len(%sbnc.text) * 8)) 35 %sbnc.text
drawsave @sbnc.logo sbnc-logo.bmp
window -c @sbnc.logo
dialog -m sbnc sbnc
else {
if ($1 = -m) %sbnc.vars = $2-
else %sbnc.vars = $1-
if (!$sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.vars(1))) { linesep | echo 2 * sBNC error: unknown bouncer preset $sbnc.vars(1) | linesep | return }
if (($1 = -m) && ($version >= 6)) {
server -n
scid $activecid
if ($server) disconnect
if ($sbnc.vars(2)) {
var %bouncer = $sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.tounderscore($sbnc.vars(1)))
%sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $gettok(%bouncer,1,32) $gettok(%bouncer,4-,32)
if (!$sbnc.ini(servers,$sbnc.vars(2))) %sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $sbnc.vars(2-)
else {
%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $sbnc.ini(servers,$sbnc.vars(2))
if (($numtok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,58) = 4) && ($gettok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,4,58) != $me)) nick $ifmatch
%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $gettok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,1-2,58) $gettok(%sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] ,3,58)
server $gettok(%bouncer,1-2,32) $decode($decode($gettok(%bouncer,3,32)),m)
.timer 1 0 set %sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ] %sbnc.server [ $+ [ $cid ] ]
.timer 1 0 set %sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ] %sbnc.bouncer [ $+ [ $cid ] ]
else {
var %bouncer = $sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.vars(1))
server $gettok(%bouncer,1-2,32) $decode($decode($gettok(%bouncer,3,32)),m)
unset %sbnc.vars
; alert box dialog stuff
dialog sbnc.message {
title "sBNC - Message"
size -1 -1 200 80
text "",2,2 10 196 30,center
button "&OK",1,62 45 75 22,OK
alias sbnc.message {
if ($dialog(sbnc.message)) dialog -x sbnc.message
dialog -mao sbnc.message sbnc.message
did -o sbnc.message 2 1 $1-
on *:dialog:sbnc.message:sclick:1:if ($sock(sbnc.vhost)) sockclose sbnc.vhost
; and finally, the code needed to get the list of vhosts
alias sbnc.vhost {
if ($sock(sbnc.vhost)) return
var %sbnc.n $sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.tounderscore($did(sbnc,1).seltext))
sbnc.message Connecting to $gettok(%sbnc.n,1,32) $+ ...
did -o sbnc.message 1 1 Cancel
sockopen sbnc.vhost $gettok(%sbnc.n,1-2,32)
on *:sockopen:sbnc.vhost:{
if ($sockerr) { did -o sbnc.message 2 1 Error connecting to bouncer! | did -e sbnc.message 1 | return }
var %sbnc.n $sbnc.ini(bouncers,$sbnc.tounderscore($did(sbnc,1).seltext))
did -o sbnc.message 2 1 Connected, sending password...
sockwrite -n sbnc.vhost NICK sBNC
sockwrite -n sbnc.vhost USER sBNC "" "" :go to ;-)
sockwrite -n sbnc.vhost PASS $decode($decode($gettok(%sbnc.n,3,32)),m)
on *:sockread:sbnc.vhost:{
if ($sockerr) { did -o sbnc.message 2 1 Error connecting to bouncer! | did -o sbnc.message 1 1 &OK | return }
var %sbnc.topic $sbnc.tounderscore($did(sbnc,1).seltext) $+ -vhosts
sockread %sbnc.n
%sbnc.n = $right($gettok(%sbnc.n,3-,32),-1)
if (!$sockbr) return
if (%sbnc.n = failed pass!!) || (*password incorrect. iswm %sbnc.n) { sockclose sbnc.vhost | did -o sbnc.message 2 1 Password failed!! | did -o sbnc.message 1 1 &OK | return }
if (welcome to BNC* iswm %sbnc.n) { sockmark sbnc.vhost bnc | set %sbnc.num 1 | remini sbnc.ini %sbnc.topic | sockwrite -n sbnc.vhost VIP | goto read }
if (*welcome to ezbounce* iswm %sbnc.n) { sockmark sbnc.vhost ez | set %sbnc.num 1 | remini sbnc.ini %sbnc.topic | sockwrite -n sbnc.vhost vhosts | goto read }
if (%sbnc.n = Listing Vhosts) || (*available virtual hosts: iswm %sbnc.n) sockmark sbnc.vhost write $sock(sbnc.vhost).mark
elseif (default vhost:* iswm %sbnc.n) { sbnc.ini %sbnc.topic %sbnc.num $gettok(%sbnc.n,3-,32) | inc %sbnc.num }
elseif (write* iswm $sock(sbnc.vhost).mark) {
if (*End of*list* iswm %sbnc.n) { sbnc.vhost.end | return }
if ($gettok($sock(sbnc.vhost).mark,2,32) = ez) %sbnc.n = $right($gettok(%sbnc.n,2-,32),-1)
if (%sbnc.n = all) goto read
did -o sbnc.message 2 1 Recieved $calc(%sbnc.num - 1) vhosts...
sbnc.ini %sbnc.topic %sbnc.num %sbnc.n
inc %sbnc.num
goto read
alias sbnc.vhost.end {
sockclose sbnc.vhost
did -o sbnc.message 2 1 Recieved $calc(%sbnc.num -1) vhosts. $+ $crlf $+ Finished!
did -o sbnc.message 1 1 &OK
unset %sbnc.n %sbnc.num
if (!$dialog(sbnc)) return
did -r sbnc 2
var %sbnc.num 1
var %sbnc.n $sbnc.tounderscore($did(sbnc,1).seltext) $+ -vhosts
while ($ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num)) { did -a sbnc 2 $sbnc.ini(%sbnc.n,$ini(sbnc.ini,%sbnc.n,%sbnc.num)) | inc %sbnc.num }
; EOF, whore.
LiRiX каза:Хехе, ще стане малко като реклама, но защо не пробваш това ::lol: