Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Бележка: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="bg">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
<META NAME="web design" CONTENT="Screamer Corp.">
var pagewidth=700;
var partw=300; var parth=206;
var stylescript=800;
if (screen.width > 800) { pagewidth=880; partw=335; parth=223; stylescript=1024; }
if (screen.width >= 1280) { pagewidth=950; partw=370; parth=239; stylescript=1280; }
if (screen.width >= 2600) { pagewidth=1100; partw=445; parth=239; stylescript=1600; }
var LOOK = {
'size' : [partw, parth],
'up' : '',
'dn' : '',
'clas' : { 'bck':'Back', 'aup':'ArrowUp', 'adn':'ArrowDn', 'itm':'ItemBody' }
var BEHAVE = { 'auto' : false, 'vertical' : true, 'speed' : 4 }
var ITEMS = [ {
'file' : '', 'content' : '',
'pause_b' : 0, 'pause_a' : 0 } ]
document.write("<LINK href='"+stylescript+".css' type=text/css rel=StyleSheet>");
<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' text=''
link='' vlink='' alink=''
topmargin='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' leftmargin='0' onLoad="init()"
background='' style='{ background-repeat: no-repeat;}'><div id=mn style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="ItemBody" id=mnc></td></tr></table></div>
<script language="JavaScript">
function getElem(div) {
return document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(div) : document.all[div];
var auto =, vertical = BEHAVE.vertical,
items = ITEMS,
o_up = new Image(16,16), o_dn = new Image(16,16),
o_class = LOOK.clas,
//o_container = parent.document.getElementById ? parent.document.getElementById("forum") : parent.document.all["forum"],
w = LOOK.size[0], h = LOOK.size[1],
n_wheight = vertical ? h : w,
n_step = BEHAVE.speed != 0 ? BEHAVE.speed : 1,
n_interval = n_pos = n_cur = prior = 0,
n_astep = Math.abs(n_step),
n_num = items.length;
main = getElem('mn');
o_cont = getElem('mnc');
// = w + 'px';
// = h + 'px';
if (!auto) {
o_up.src = LOOK.up; o_dn.src = LOOK.dn;
document.write("<div id=aup class=" + o_class.aup + " style=position:absolute;z-index:1><img src=" + o_up.src + "></div><div id=adn class=" + o_class.adn + " style=position:absolute;z-index:1><img src=" + o_dn.src + "></div>");
arrup = getElem("aup"); arrdn = getElem("adn");
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize items array - waiting for each to load completely
// ------------------------------------------------------------
for (var i in items) {
if (items[i].file) document.write("<iframe style=\"visibility:hidden\" height=0 width=0 src=\"" + items[i].file + "\"></iframe>")
items[i].supply = supp;
function init(n_2measure) {
var b_fl = true, e_frm, k = 0, i, main;
main = getElem('mn');
if (n_2measure != null) { items[n_2measure].height = vertical ? o_cont.offsetHeight : o_cont.offsetWidth; }
for (i = n_num - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (!items[i].height) {
if (items[i].content) {
o_cont.innerHTML = items[i].content;
return setTimeout("init(" + i + ")", 100);
} else
if (items[i].file) {
e_frm = window.frames[k++];
if (e_frm.document.body) items[i].content = e_frm.document.body.innerHTML;
b_fl = false;
if (!b_fl) return setTimeout("init()", 100)'visible';
if (auto) move(0);
// user control methods assigning
var ajust = vertical ? function () { = n_pos } : function () { = n_pos }
if (auto) {
document.body.onmouseover = function () { stop(1); }
document.body.onmouseout = function () { move(1); }
} else {
arrup.onmouseover = function () {
n_step = -n_astep; move(1);
arrdn.onmouseover = function () {
n_step = n_astep; move(1);
arrdn.onmouseout = arrup.onmouseout = function () {
n_pos += n_step; stop(1);
// internal control methods
function move(p) {
if (prior <= p && n_interval == 0) { prior = 0; n_interval = setInterval("roll()", 40); }
function stop(p) {
if (prior < p) { prior = p; }
if (n_interval != 0) { clearInterval(n_interval); n_interval = 0; }
function sleep(delay) { stop(0); setTimeout("move_s()", delay * 1000); }
function move_s() { n_pos -= n_step; ajust(); move(0) }
function supp () { o_cont.innerHTML = this.content; ajust(); }
function roll() {
var item = items[n_cur];
if (n_pos > n_wheight) {
item = items[n_cur = n_cur == 0 ? n_num - 1 : n_cur - 1]
n_pos = -item.height;
else if (n_pos < - item.height) {
item = items[n_cur = n_cur == n_num - 1 ? 0 : n_cur + 1]
n_pos = n_wheight;
var delta = n_wheight - item.height
if (item.pause_a > 0 && n_pos >= delta && n_pos < n_astep + delta) {
n_pos = delta; ajust();
return sleep (item.pause_a);
if (item.pause_b >= 0 && n_pos >= 0 && n_pos < n_astep) {
n_pos = 0; ajust()
return sleep (item.pause_b);
// parent.status = "n_pos "+n_pos+" "+item.height
if (n_pos > 40 && n_step < 0) {
item = items[n_cur = n_cur == 0 ? n_num - 1 : n_cur - 1]
n_pos = -item.height + 50;
if (n_pos < -item.height + 100 && n_step > 0) {
item = items[n_cur = n_cur == 0 ? n_num - 1 : n_cur - 1]
n_pos = 80;
n_pos -= n_step;